World is moving onward and MS 16 is dynamic with these changes. This time MS 16 is supporting our Latvian voice, and owner of this delightful voice is Samanta Tīna. Samanta have a story to tell. Music video was created to help spread the story to your home where ever you are. We worked together to make this music video. Hope you enjoy, stay safe.
MS 16 solidarity
For an unknown time we have to take responsibility of social distance. This is most safest way to deal with pandemic like COVID-19. As a company we are supporting our workers for social distancing and help them work from home. Now MS 16 making sure that everyone who works for MS 16 feels safe. No one will get fired no matter what. We are ready to stand by our workers.
MS 16 has always been about solidarity.
The COVID-19 is placing pressure on our economic system. It’s possible the months ahead will be very volatile and dynamic. When European countries start discussing how to deal with lockdowns, local officials are often the people best positioned to determine conditions and implement steps to improve economic growth while maintaining public health.
Next steps are not clear to us, but we are keeping a close eye on reliable sources such as WHO (World Health Organization) for the newest pandemic information. The WHO calls on countries to work together to reduce the spread of the virus, while investing heavily in initiatives to improve public health. But MS 16 will help and protect workers in any case scenario. And only together we will get thru this.
MS 16 speaks at EACVA annual conference
European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA) is the largest business valuation association in Europe with almost 15 years of experience supporting the business valuation profession.
The EACVA supports the globally recognized Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) certification for valuation professionals.
The single greatest benefit of EACVA membership is our focus at providing the best association experience possible for our members. This means providing substantive and practical practitioner support for all levels of need.
Public service announcement
A public service announcement (PSA) is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness of, and changing public attitudes and behavior towards, a social issue.
Taking into account that MS 16 supports and encourages it’s employees to actively participate in all fields of sportsmanship, we simultaneously announced public service campaign to raise awareness of risks for athletes. Our research team identified that endurance athletes who exercise for three hours or more have an increased chance of dying from a cardiac arrest.
About 1 in 50000 – if you run marathons or participate in other forms of exercise which last for three hours or more, that’s your approximate risk of suffering an acute heart attack or sudden cardiac death during (or within 24 hours of) your effort. For every 50000 athletes, one will be stricken during such prolonged activity. Running a marathon or cycling intensely for three hours is riskier than taking a commercial airline flight.
MS 16 joins EACVA
European Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (EACVA) is the largest business valuation association in Europe with almost 15 years of experience supporting the business valuation profession.
The EACVA supports the globally recognized Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) certification for valuation professionals.
The single greatest benefit of EACVA membership is our focus at providing the best association experience possible for our members. This means providing substantive and practical practitioner support for all levels of need.
New MS 16 Group wide health plan provides employees with funds to compete in sports competitions
The value of sport and physical activity to MS 16 Group extends beyond sport for sport’s sake.
Sport can, and does, make a profound and positive impact on individuals, communities and wider society. Therefore we aim at boosting participation in sport within MS 16 group and the communities surrounding us.
In this context, we are talking about sport in its widest sense. We see sport as a key part of wider physical activity and will promote and fund activities such as a gentle gym session, informal running groups or led cycle rides through to more structured team activities.
There is a strong body of evidence of the health and physical fitness benefits of sport, for example, the link between physical inactivity and obesity and the role of physical activity in reducing the risk of cardiovascular heart disease. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many chronic conditions, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and increase mental health and well-being. Moving someone from inactivity into just doing something is where the greatest health benefits can be gained.
New MS 16 headquarter building presented
Inspired by our core values, we were able to design our new headquarters from the ground up, with a focus on creating a great workplace and center of innovation in support of our number one core value – employees. And because our customers are our partners in innovation, our headquarters will also be home to the new Customer Center, scheduled to open this summer.
Built for collaboration
The building was designed with a primary goal in mind: to encourage collaboration. With space to accommodate 500 employees, we’re able to support our core value of innovation by bringing many of our product and technology employees under one roof.
We’ve created an ideal environment for agile software development, including many open spaces, whole walls of traditional whiteboards, new high-tech tools including digital whiteboards and video walls, and four great rooms, which were made to feel like living rooms where large groups of employees can come together.
Like the rest of the building, the new Center is designed to enable collaboration with our current and prospective customers and includes suites to provide them with an intimate and customized setting for their visits.
MS 16 ENRI expands with fitness club

The value of sport and physical activity to MS 16 Group extends beyond sport for sport’s sake and that results in new fitness club opening in sports club ENRI.
Sport can, and does, make a profound and positive impact on individuals, communities and wider society. Therefore we aim at boosting participation in sport within MS 16 group and the communities surrounding us.
In this context, we are talking about sport in its widest sense. We see sport as a key part of wider physical activity and will promote and fund activities such as a gentle gym session, informal running groups or led cycle rides through to more structured team activities.
There is a strong body of evidence of the health and physical fitness benefits of sport, for example, the link between physical inactivity and obesity and the role of physical activity in reducing the risk of cardiovascular heart disease. Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of many chronic conditions, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and increase mental health and well-being. Moving someone from inactivity into just doing something is where the greatest health benefits can be gained.
Supporting young writers – Kate Ločmele
On August 24th this year the Great Guild will host a presentation of the promising collection of poems by Poppy Flower, invited by its Latvian-speaking English translator, cultural events organizer and independent writer Kate Ločmele. Along with the presentation of the poetry collection, guests will be able to participate in a creative painting workshop led by IZO ART lecturers as well as learn how to write in different poetry techniques. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the charity project Dr. Clown.
The book is written in English and is presented in an innovative style with no page numbering or references. The book is just poetry, poppy-themed illustrations in a mixed order, and extra free pages where the owner can create their own illustrations, feelings, or write reflections during moments of inspiration and reflection. It serves as a companion for internal dialogue. The lack of numbering allows you to distinguish and read a collection on any page and start with your day, afternoon, or end of the working day. Each poem has its own thoughts and feelings.
“We each read the book on our own, just as the world feels different. I invite you to join me in the solemn opening of the book, to create poppy paintings that I can remember, and hopefully to take a pleasant time traveling through the pages of the poetry book,” says Kate Ločmele, author of the book.
Thanks to MS 16’s financial support, all proceeds from the entrance fee will be donated to the charity project Dr. Klauns.
The Dr. Clown has been operating as a public charity since 2012, and its members – 45 professional medical clowns – travel daily to Children’s Clinical University Hospital and other hospitals in Latvia to psychologically assist children by facilitating their daily lives while in hospital.
The book presentation will also announce the book’s marketplaces in both the Latvian and international markets, as well as the name of the Instagram account to follow the news and purchase the book online, provided by social media and influencer marketing agency Honeymoon High.
The Poetry Collection Presentation and Creative Workshop will be held on Saturday, August 24th at 2 p.m. at the Great Guild, Amatu Street 6, Riga. Both book lovers and families with children are invited to attend. The entry fee is EUR 15, but children under 7 are free to enter. Coffee break with snacks will also be provided.
MS 16 participates in Laima Rendezvous 2019
The International Music Festival “Laima Rendezvous Jurmala” takes place in Dzintari concert hall since 2015. During this time it has got the great recognition in many countries, and took the place as one of the main musical summer events in Latvia.
Bright, exquisite and romantic festival, created by Laima Vaikule, every July gathers biggest pop-stars, as well as legendary world musicians and young top performers. In the stunning atmosphere of the festival, unexpected singer duets and trio are created – these are true musical “rendezvous”.
Every year the festival is watched by more than 100 million viewers around the world: PBK (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), Inter (Ukraine), Kartina TV (Germany), Zhara TV (Azerbaijan), RTVi, and other channels.
In 2020 the festival will take place from July 24th to 26th, for the sixth time. The anniversary season will be the most ambitious: in four concert days the brightest stars and most brilliant discoveries of previous festivals will perform.
In previous years the participants were Chris Norman, Kristine Opolais, Hibla Gerzmava, Filip Kirkorov, Grigory Leps, Mons Selmerlev, Stas Mikhailov, Vakhtang Kikabidze, Xenia Sidorova, Valery Meladze, Elena Vaenga, Nino Katamadze, Leonid Agutin, Semen Slepakov, Maxim Galkin, Andrei Makarevich, Mario Biondi, Uma2rman, Verka Serduchka, Lolita, Sunsay, Manizh, DAGAMBA, Intars Busulis, Renars Kaupers, Vera Brezhneva, Potap i Nastja, Vremja i Steklo, Nani Bregvadze and others – altogether more than 150 performers.